Chapter 6

YAML Crash course

In this session we will learn k8s YAML specification and object types. We will cover only k8s dependent YAML specification

Subsections of YAML Crash course

Exploring Object Specs

So lets discuss about a new command kubectl explain so that we don’t have to remember all YAML specs of kubernetes objects.

With kubectl explain subcommand , you can see the specification of each objects and can use that as a reference to write your YAML files.

Fist level spec

We will use kubectl explain Pod command to see the specifications of a Pod YAML.

$ kubectl explain Pod


ubuntu@k8s-master-01:~$ kubectl explain pod
KIND:     Pod

     Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is
     created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.

   apiVersion	<string>
     APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an
     object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal
     value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:

   kind	<string>
     Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object
     represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits
     requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:

   metadata	<Object>
     Standard object's metadata. More info:

   spec	<Object>
     Specification of the desired behavior of the pod. More info:

   status	<Object>
     Most recently observed status of the pod. This data may not be up to date.
     Populated by the system. Read-only. More info:


As we discussed earlier , the specification is very familiar.

Filed status is readonly and its system populated , so we don’t have to write anything for status.

Exploring inner fields

If we want to see the fields available in spec , then execute below command.

$ kubectl explain pod.spec
KIND:     Pod

RESOURCE: spec <Object>

     Specification of the desired behavior of the pod. More info:

     PodSpec is a description of a pod.

containers	<[]Object> -required-
  List of containers belonging to the pod. Containers cannot currently be
  added or removed. There must be at least one container in a Pod. Cannot be

How easy is that.

As you can see in spec the containers filed is -required- which indicates that this filed is mandatory.

<[]Object> indicates that its an array of objects , which means , you can put more than one element under containers

That make sense , because the Pod may contain more than one container.

In YAML we can use - infront of a filed to mark it as an array element.

Lets take a look at the YAML that we wrote earlier

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: coffee-app01
  app: frontend
  run: coffee-app01
 - name: demo-coffee
   image: ansilh/demo-coffee

There is a - under the fist filed of the containers. If we say that in words ; “containers is an array object which contains one array element with filed name and image

If you want to add one more container in Pod , we will add one more array element with needed values.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: coffee-app01
  app: frontend
  run: coffee-app01
 - name: demo-coffee
   image: ansilh/demo-coffee
 - name: demo-tea
   image: ansilh/demo-tea

Now the Pod have two containers .

How I know the containers array element need name and image ?

We will use explain command to get those details.

$ kubectl explain pod.spec.containers

Snipped Output

name	<string> -required-
  Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a pod
  must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated.

image	<string>
  Docker image name

As you can see , name and image are of type string which means , you have to provide a string value to it.

K8S YAML structure

What is YAML ?

Yet Another Markup Language

Kubernetes YAML have below structure



Kubernetes have different versions of API for each objects. We discuss about API in detail in upcoming sessions. For now , lets keep it simple as possible.

Pod is one of the kind of object which is part of core v1 API So for a Pod, we usually see apiVersion: v1


As explained above we specify the kind of API object with kind: field.


We have seen the use of metadata earlier.

As the name implies , we usually store name of object and labels in metadata field.


Object specification will go hear. The specification will depend on the kind and apiVersion we use

Exploring Pod spec

Lets write a Pod specification YAML

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: coffee-app01
  app: frontend
  run: coffee-app01
 - name: demo-coffee
   image: ansilh/demo-coffee

In above specification , you can see that we have specified name and labels in matadata field.

The spec starts with cotainer field and we have added a container specification under it.

You might be wondering , how can we memories all these options. In reality , you don’t have to.

We will discuss about it in next session.