Chapter 1


History of K8S

  • 2003-2004: Google introduced Borg system , which started as a small project to manage new search engine. Later on it was heavily used for managing internal distributed systems and jobs
  • 2013: Google moved from Borg to Omega - a flexible and scalable scheduler for large clusters
  • 2014: Google introduced kubernetes and big players (IBM, Docker, RedHat, Microsoft) joined the project
  • 2015: Kubernetes 1.0 released and Google partnered with Linux Foundation to form the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
  • 2016: Kubernetes went to mainstream and Helm package manager introduced and `minikube` was also released. Windows support added to k8s
  • 2017: Kubernetes reached v.1.7 and were widely adopted by industry. IBM and Google introduced `Istio` service mesh.
  • 2018: Industry understands the power of k8s and adoption rate increased
  • 2019: Journey continues...